Hazardous waste types

The Environmental Health Manager

  • Responds to chemical or hazardous waste spills and release
  • Maintains and administers the MSU Denver Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Manages the MSU Denver hazardous waste disposal program
  • Addresses indoor air quality issues and concerns
  • Supports the Facilities Planning  Department with environmental issues on both new building projects and existing building renovation
  • Works cooperatively with the Auraria Higher Education Center for the proper storage and inventory of chemical and reagent stocks in shared campus building
  • Provides training to students, faculty, and staff in the proper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes
  • Prepares and maintains chemical spill kits

For a chemical or hazardous waste spill or release call:

MSU Denver, Environmental Manager

Mark Pokorny



AHEC, Environmental Department



Auraria Campus Police Department
