Ready to find out what 密歇根州立大学丹佛 can do for you? 皇冠官网网站会帮你的.
的 教师就业手册 (FEH) outlines all polices related to faculty review, 外就业, 休假, 过渡退休, 纪律处分程序. 的 FEH is maintained by the Office of 教员事务 who also oversees the FEH change proposal submission, review, and change implementation process for 密歇根州立大学丹佛. At the beginning of each new academic year, a revised version of the FEH is made available and provides updated information on definitions, 政策, and processes relevant to faculty and members of the University community serving in a faculty role.
的 教师就业手册 Committee was created and exists as a directive of the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 校董会.
Additional information on the responsibilities of the committee may be found in the 校董会 教师就业手册 委员会的政策.