MSU Denver and Auraria Campus will be closed Friday, Nov. 8, due to inclement weather.

Instructor Positions

Each fall and spring the program seeks instructors to teach during the academic year (Sept-May) program. Instructors in math, science, English, and foreign language are needed each semester. Please reach out to the Education Coordinator and Advisor, Adrian Ramirez, Jr. at [email protected], for more information.

Student Staff Positions

TRIO Upward Bound hires MSU Denver students to be tutor/mentors during the academic year and summer. We accept both work-study and hourly students. To apply: Summer Mentor Workday Job Code: JR101325 

  • TRIO’s Summer Semester will focus on mentoring, providing instructional assistance to instructors during daily programming and chaperoning on Friday field trips and while on 4 day, 3 night out of town retreat.  
  • Working with students grade 9-12.  
  • 8:15am – 4:15pm – Monday through Friday (with one hour lunch break each day) – Must be available to attend Teambuilding Retreat program usually 4 days and 3 nights. 


Summer Instructor Positions

Each spring the program seeks summer instructors to teach during our six-week summer program. Instructors in math, science, English, art, financial/life literacy, foreign language, and electives are needed each summer. Please reach out to the Director, Janelle Henderson at [email protected], for more information.