密歇根州立大学丹佛 continues to serve the highest number of Hispanic/Latina/o/x 学生 among institutions of higher education in the state of Colorado.
Employment of Anthropology majors as archivists, 策展人, 和 museum technicians 和 conservators is 预计增长19% from 2020–2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. Career options for online Anthropology majors vary from English as a Second Language (ESL) programs 和 non-profit organizations to research services 和 cultural heritage jobs.
Course options 和 availability 每个学期都不同. Please work with an advisor to customize a degree plan for your situation.
查看必修课程密歇根州立大学丹佛 continues to serve the highest number of Hispanic/Latina/o/x 学生 among institutions of higher education in the state of Colorado.
More than 70% of registered 密歇根州立大学丹佛 学生 voted in the 2020 Presidential Election.
2021年.S. 新闻 ranked colleges making the most innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, 教师, 学生, 校园生活, 技术或设施.
If you are a new 密歇根州立大学丹佛 student or one who has been away from MSU for at least two semesters 和 interested in completing a fully online degree, 这个奖学金是给你的.
Access 和 affordability is our mission. 30% of our 学生 pay no tuition/fees, 46%接受援助, 和 our tuition is among the lowest in the state.
需要帮助吗?? Get expert advice from our 网上招生专员 about an 在线人类学学位.
In the Office of Online Learning, your dedicated Student Success Coach is here to support you. We focus on helping you develop essential skills in our 5 Success Coaching Zones:
密歇根州立大学丹佛 admits about 90% of their applicants every year. We can help you learn about the financial support you are eligible to receive 和 how to apply for aid. If you have questions about being accepted 和 qualifying for financial aid contact an 网上招生专员.
Compare credits you have previously completed on our 转学分门户. By creating an account 和 reviewing your previous courses, you can determine which courses we accept 和 how it applies to your new degree with 密歇根州立大学丹佛.
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Submit your previous college transcripts, 美联社分数, IB成绩单, or DD214 for any completed credit