Ready to find out what 密歇根州立大学丹佛 can do for you? 皇冠官网网站会帮你的.
大多数教育学院的课程都有一个独特的和/或补充的申请过程. 请阅读以下内容开始此过程,具体取决于您希望注册的课程.
如果你想获得学士学位, 或者,如果你已经完成了学士学位,并有兴趣参加本科课程,以获得教师执照(we call this post-baccalaureate teacher licensure),请参考以下步骤 本科专业.
如果你已经完成(或即将完成)学士学位,你有兴趣加入皇冠官网网站的硕士学位或研究生证书课程之一, 请查看以下步骤 研究生课程.
If you have been accepted as a student at the university, 请继续阅读本页以获取申请教育学院的说明.
如果你的申请是在学期开始前一周之后提交的, we cannot guarantee you will be accepted in time to begin classes.
请注意:如果你愿意 重新申请, or 退出 a 教育学院 undergraduate or post-baccalaureate program, please refer to the 下面适当的部分.
为了正式被教育学院录取在本科和后学士水平, all prospective students must complete or meet the following requirements:
步骤1: 与合适的顾问会面 -详情请参阅招生手册.
步骤2: Read 和 review the 招生 H和book (link below).
步骤3: 完成网上申请(以下连结).
下一个步骤: 提交的申请通常会在提交日期后两周内处理. Please plan accordingly if you need admission status to register for classes. 一旦处理完毕,学生将在他们的密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的电子邮件地址收到一封录取邮件.
如果你之前被教育学院本科或后学士学位课程录取, 从那以后,你就与学校失去了联系,并被要求重新向学校申请再次入学, 你必须使用本页上面的信息向教育学院提交一份新的申请.
如果你目前被教育学院本科或后学士学位课程录取, 和 would like to request withdrawal from the program, 请按以下按钮.
春季开学:申请程序 11月15日.
夏季开始:申请到该计划 4月15日.
秋天开始: 申请到该计划通过 7月15日.
To apply to a 教育学院 graduate program, 你将通过大学的标准申请系统提交研究生申请. You will select your program during that process, 和 you will be presented with the unique requirements specific to that program.
在开始申请之前, it is important to review the program information 和 admission requirements below so you are prepared with the materials needed to complete the application.
Once you underst和 the admission requirements, follow his link to the application:
In order to apply to the Master of Education in Curriculum 和 Instruction program, applicants must meet the following requirements:
除上述要求外, applicants must submit the following materials:
补充文件 (uploaded as part of the 皇冠体育官网研究生申请):
In order to apply to the MAT program for Special Education or Elementary Education, 申请人必须符合下列规定:
除上述要求外, applicants must submit the following materials:
除上述要求外s, applicants must submit the following materials:
所有官方成绩单. (请注意:如果您过去在这里就读,则不需要提供皇冠体育官网成绩单)
为了被教育学院录取为非学位研究生, 申请人必须符合下列规定:
除上述要求外, non-degree-seeking applicants must submit the following materials:
所有官方成绩单. (请注意:如果您过去在这里就读,则不需要提供皇冠体育官网成绩单)
The following link will lead you to the university’s 招生 Application. Please follow the prompts to complete your application, 和 don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.